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About us

It all started with one beehive in the garden and our fascination of how the colony worked as one and for the good of the colony, not the individual bee.  We have seen the challenges of our honeybees with the varying climate and disease, but what about the other pollinators?


We are passionate about ALL pollinators and want to raise awareness on what we can do as individuals, communities and  workforces to make our world a little greener, and a lot more pollinator friendly.

The Good Bee Company uses the honeybee to highlight the  importance of all pollinators and their part in the environment. We want to start the conversation and can provide beekeeping services, education initiatives and staff and community engagement which we hope will engage people and show that even by growing flowers on a windowsill will make the difference.


We have started working with schools as we feel it is important to encourage young minds which are so full of enthusiasm and bring hope for a brighter future.


We do not encourage bees in central London as this is not good for Honeybees but also puts a strain on other pollinators due to the lack of food.  We will only provide Hives where we feel the bees have sufficient forage and transfer bees from one our existing apiaries meaning we are not increasing the number of colonies in the London area.

Get in touch

To discuss any of our services or products, please email us at

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